Neal Dikeman
Editor in Chief
Neal is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of the Texas Free Press.
He is also CEO of real estate private equity fund manager Old Growth Ventures, General Partner of the Historic Preservation Fund, and was the Libertarian US Senate Nominee in Texas in 2018 against Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke. A 8x tech founder, whose startups have raised over half a billion dollars, he has held CEO, CFO, Chairman, VP, Board director positions from startups to publicly-traded companies. Before Old Growth Ventures he had a longtime venture capital and private equity background at firms ranging from Royal Dutch Shell to Jane Capital, which he cofounded at age 25.
A 6th generation Texan whose family came to Texas in the 1830s, he holds a BA in Economics and History from Texas A&M, and was the chief blogger of CleantechBlog, named a 50 Best Business Blog by the London Times, for 15 years prior to founding its successor, the Texas Free Press.
Chelsa Meckel, M.A.
Chelsea Meckel is the co-Editor of the Texas Free Press, and Editor of the 2020 Libertarian Presidential Candidate Voter Guide.
Chelsea is a political scientist and communications professional. She is principal of Lone Star Campaigns, and political communications consultant, and has worked on a range of statewide and local campaigns from multiple political parties. She serves as the Chair of the Hays County Libertarian Party, and a member of the State Libertarian Executive Committee.
She holds a BA in Political Science and MA in Communication Studies from Texas State University.